Two different levels of point chiselling are visible on this end of this sarcophagus. On the surface of the roughed-out garlands are the remains of rough squaring with the point chisel. This stage of work was probably done in the quarry before this object was moved down to the city.
Following squaring the carver responsible seems to have incised the rough decorative scheme onto the chest to guide them during the roughing-out process. The traces of these guidelines are visible on the lower edges of the garland swags and the central hanging element.
Slightly finer point chisel work is visible on those areas carved out of the squared block during roughing-out, especially in the channels around the circular bosses.
A clamp hole is visible on the top right of this chest which shows that it had a lid attached which was secured in place. Even though this chest was only roughed-out, then, it was still used.