
Monuments: Iscehisar Quarries

The quarries at Iscehisar (ancient Dokimeion) in central Phrygia were a major source of white marble and a purple-streaked marble called pavonazzetto. The quarries were controlled by the Roman state but this does not mean that all of the marble quarried here was imperially controlled. White marble from these quarries was predominately used for sarcophagi and statuary locally, though these objects were sometimes exported. The pavonazzetto quarried at Iscehisar, however, was widely exported, mainly to Rome. More

Fant J. C. (1989). Cavum antrum Phrygiae: the organization and operations of the Roman Imperial marble quarries in Phrygia (British archaeological reports, international series 482). Oxford.

Fant, J. C. (1990), 'Les carrières des empereurs romains', in M. Waelkens (ed.). Pierre éternelle: du Nil au Rhin: carrières et prefabrication. Brussels: 147–58.

Lazzarini, L., Moschini, G., Waelkens, M., and Xusheng, H. (1985). 'New light on some Phrygian marble quarries through a petrological study and the evaluation of Ca/Sr ratio', in P. Pensabene (ed.). Marmi antichi: problemi d’impiego, di restauro e d’identificazione (=Studi miscellanei 26). Rome: 41–6.

Röder, J. (1971) 'Marmor phrygium. Die antiken Marmorrüche von Iscehisar in Westanatolien', Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts 86: 253–312.

Waelkens, M. (1982) 'Carrières de marbre en Phrygie (Turquie)', Troisièmes journées de l'industrie minérale: le marbre. Château de Namur (Citadelle) - 16, 17 et 18 novembre 1981 (=Bulletin des Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire 53.2). Brussels: 33–55.


ObjectType object (7)
Dokimeian marble (Archaeometric identification) Pavonazzetto (Archaeometric identification)  
bc 30 - ad 500 



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