After a few weeks of work we have done a reiteration of the conceptual map of the main entitieswe are dealing with which was created a few weeks ago.
One of the first steps involved in the building of a digital resource (and in particular, a database-backed digital resource) is the construction of a conceptual model that can represent the main types of things being dealt with in a project.
We have just returned from Rome where we undertook a preliminary series of interviews with Peter Rockwell in his studio in Monteverde. The aim of this week was to browse through all of Peter's slides, picking some for further discussion, in order to gauge the character of the collection. We looked in detail at slides of the Temple of Vespasian and the Column of Trajan in Rome, the Sebasteion in Aphrodisias, but we also delved into his images of Indian rock-cut temple carvings, the facade of Orvieto cathedral, and even the Easter Island statues. Peter's slide collection covers an enormous range of sites and objects and much of these later examples provide useful comparisons for the Roman material in which we are primarily interested.