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Monuments: Thasos Quarries

Thasos was an important quarrying centre in the Roman period. White marble extraction on the island began as early as the Archaic Greek period, though little material was exported at this date. As demand for white marble grew through the Classical and into the Hellenistic period work at the various Thasian quarries intensified. This reached its culmination in the Roman and Late Roman periods, when demand from first Rome and then Constantinople led to large amounts of marble being quarried on Thasos. More

The city of Thessaloniki (ancient Salonika) also used considerable quantities of Thasian marble in its buildings and funerary monuments. The largest quarries on the island are on the south coast, at Aliki especially, where a variety of calcitic marble was quarried. On the north-east coast, dolomitic marble was also quarried at various sites.

Brunet, M. (1992). 'Les carrières de marbre de Thasos', Les dossiers d’archéologie 173: 40–5.

Bruno, M., Conti, L., Lazzarini, L., Pensabene, P., and Turi, B. (2002). 'The marble quarries of Thasos: an archaeometric study', in L. Lazzarini (ed.). Interdisciplinary studies on ancient stone: proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the "Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity," Venice, June 15-18, 2000. Padua: 157–62.

Herz, N. (1988). 'Classical marble quarries of Thasos', in G. A. Wagner and G. Weisgerber (eds). Antike Edel- und Buntmetallgewinnung auf Thasos (Der Anschnitt, Zeitshrift für Kunst und Kultur im Bergbau 6). Bochum: 232–40.

Kozelj, T. and Wurch-Kozelj, M. (1997). ‘Les traces d'extraction dans l'antiquité dans les mines et les carriéres à Thassos’, in Aρχαία ελληνική τεχνoλoγία, Πράκτικα: 1o Διέθνες Συνέδριo Θεσσαλονικη=Archaia Hellēnikē technologia, 1st Diethnes Synedrio Thessalonike=Ancient Greek technology, proceedings: 1st international conference. Athens: 55–64.

Laskaridis, K. and Perdikatsis, V. (2009). ‘Characterisation of the timeless white marble and quarrying activity in Thassos’, in Y. Maniatis (ed.). ASMOSIA VII: actes du VIIe colloque international de l'ASMOSIA organisé par l'Ecole française d'Athènes, le National Center for Scientific Research Dimokritos, la 18e éphorie des antiquités préhistoriques et classiques, Kavala, et l'Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Thasos, 15-20 septembre 2003 = proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, organized by the French School of Athens, the National Center for Scientific Research "Dimokritos," the 18th Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (Kavala), and the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Thassos, September 15-20, 2003 (Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Supplément 51). Athens: 309–17.

Sodini, J. O., Lambraki, A., and Koželj, T. (1980). 'Les carrières de marbre d'Aliki a l'époque paléochrétienne', in Aliki I (Études thasiennes 9). Athens: 81–137.


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