Viewing posts for the category Digital Humanities
We have added some links to the excellent Tracking Colour project based at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen. In our archive there are three source images of a female goddess from the Hadrianic Baths at Aphrodisias: {PR307_03_02}, {PR307_03_04}, {PR307_03_08}
Yesterday I went to the CAA 2012 conference in Southampton, one of the top conferences in the world in the field of computational archaeology. I couldn't stay for longer than a day, but I've seen enough to say that archaeologist definitely know their way around when it comes to combining IT with their discipline.
After a few weeks of work we have done a reiteration of the conceptual map of the main entitieswe are dealing with which was created a few weeks ago.
One of the first steps involved in the building of a digital resource (and in particular, a database-backed digital resource) is the construction of a conceptual model that can represent the main types of things being dealt with in a project.