The mausoleum at Belevi is a major tomb just north of Ephesos. Probably built in the 3rd century BC it is the largest in Asia Minor after the Hecatomnid tombs of Caria. More
Heinz, R. (2005). ‘Bau- und Versatztechnik in der Grabkammer des Mausoleums von Belevi’, in B. Brandt, V. Gassner, S. Ladstätter (eds). Synergia: Festschrift für Friedrich Krinzinger 2 vols. Vienna 1: 99–112.
Praschnicker, C. and Theuer, M. (1979). Das Mausoleum von Belevi (Forschungen in Ephesos 6). Vienna.
Prochaska, W. and Grillo, S. M. (2010). ‘A new method for the determination of the provenance of white marbles by chemical analysis of inclusion fluids. The marbles of the mausoleum of Belevi, Turkey’, Archaeometry 52: 59–82.