
Monuments: Teos Quarries

Teos (near modern Sığacık) was an important city in the Archaic and Classical period. In the Roman period it was the source of a distintive black-red-green recrystallised limestone, called marmor lucullum or africano. This material was widely distributed, especially to Rome, and its quarries were probably under imperial control. A grey marble also quarried at the site and at various locations around it was used locally. More

Fant, J. C. (1986). ‘Poikiloi lithoi. The anomalous economics of the Roman imperial marble quarry at Teos’, in S. Walker and A. Cameron (eds). The Greek renaissance in the Roman Empire: papers from the Tenth British Museum Classical Colloqium (Bulletin supplement (University of London. Institute of Classical Studies) 55). London: 206–18.

Türk, N., Çakıcı, S., Uz, D. M., Akça, S., and Geyik, K. (1988). 'The geology, quarrying technology and use of Beylerköy marbles in western Turkey', in N. Herz and M. Waelkens (eds). Classical marble: geochemistry, technology and trade (NATO ASI series. Series E, Applied sciences 153). Dordrecht: 85–90.


ObjectType object (7)
Africano (Visual identification)  
circa bc 150 - circa ad 300 



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