
23.03.13: Production in Pieces: full programme now available

Posted by: Will Wootton 12 years ago

Below you will find the full programme for the upcoming event on the making of mosaics. You can find more information here and book (?5 including lunch) here

Look forward to seeing you there!

Production in pieces: making mosaics from antiquity to the present

Anatomy Lecture Theatre, 6th Floor, King's Building, Strand Campus (King's College London)

10.00 - 10.30 ? ?Registration with Tea and Coffee

10.30 - 10.40 ? ?Introduction

10.40 - 11.20 ? ?Ruth Westgate (University of Cardiff),?'The mosaicists' customers: who were they, and what did they want?'

11.20 - 12.00 ? ?Cristina Boschetti (Universities of Nottingham and Padua), ?Making ancient mosaics: materials and techniques?

12.00 - 12.10 ? ?Practical demonstration??by Monica Piovesana and Giulia Vogrig: ?Materials: qualities and selection?

12.10 - 12.50 ? ?Will Wootton (King?s College London), ?Making mosaicists: re-constructing the Classical craftsman?

12.50 - 13.00 ? ?Practical demonstration?by Monica Piovesana and Giulia Vogrig: ?Preparation: cutting and tools?

13.00 - 14.00 ? ?Lunch (and film screenings)

14.00 - 14.40 ? ?Stephen Cosh, ?Understanding ancient workshops: how to identify ?Groups? of mosaicists in Roman Britain?

14.40 - 14.50 ??Practical demonstration?by Monica Piovesana and Giulia Vogrig: ?Laying:?andamento?

14.50 - 15.30 ? Liz James (University of Sussex), ?Making Byzantine wall mosaics?

15.30 - 16.00 ? Tea and Coffee (and film screenings)

16.00 - 16.10 ? ?Practical demonstration?by Monica Piovesana and Giulia Vogrig: ?Setting: methods and adhesives?

16.10 - 16.50 ? ?Heike Zech (Victoria and Albert Museum), ?Making micromosaics: beyond the?Doves of Pliny?(ca. 1750-1850)?

16.50 - 17.00 ? ?Practical demonstration?by Monica Piovesana and Giulia Vogrig: ?Fixing and finishing?

17.00 - 17.40 ? ?Roger Ling (University of Manchester), ?Mosaic forgeries and how to recognise them?

17.40 - 18.00 ? Questions and Conclusions