
23.03.13: Making Event on Mosaics

Posted by: Will Wootton 12 years, 1 month ago

On Saturday 23rd March, some of the project team are organising an event on the making of mosaics. Although not concerned explicitly with Classical antiquity there will be significant components addressing the Greek and Roman worlds. The event is funded by the King's College London Arts & Humanities Research Institute and is in collaboration with the Centre for Hellenic Studies. It is part of a series of Applied Art workshops which we were also involved in last year.

The event is called, 'Production in Pieces: Making Mosaics from Antiquity to the Present', and we hope you might be interested. Further information can be found on the King's College London website by clicking here. The fee is only £5 and includes lunch, you can book here.

Production in Pieces: Making Mosaics from Antiquity to the Present' 


Mosaic is an astonishingly complex and laborious technique with which expert makers can create extraordinary effects that deceive the eye with subtle shifts in the colour and shape of the pieces. This workshop examines in detail the techniques and materials used from the Hellenistic period through to the present day. It is, however, not just concerned with making but intends to place mosaic production within its social and historical context by assessing our knowledge of the craftsmen and customers. The aim of the day is to bring together a diverse audience to think about mosaics in terms of their practical, functional and cultural elements.


The final programme is yet to be released but we can confirm the following speakers:

Cristina Boschetti, Steve Cosh, Roger Ling, Heike Zech and Will Wootton.