
15.03.13: Art of Making Seminar in St Andrews

Posted by: Will Wootton 12 years, 1 month ago

We will be speaking as part of the?St Andrews School of Classics Research Seminar. The event will take place?at 4.05 pm in Swallowgate 11?on 15th March 2013. Our seminar is entitled: ?The art of making in antiquity: presenting and interpreting?Roman stone carving techniques?.


The full programme is as follows:

Wednesday 30 January 2013: Alexander Loney (Yale)--Hesiod's incorporative poetics in the?Mecone episode

Friday 1 February: A one-day workshop on ?Ethics in Greek rhetoric and poetry?, including papers?by Jon Hesk (St Andrews), Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh) and Alexander Loney (Yale): see full?programme at?http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/classics/events/conferences/

Friday 8 February: Catherine Ware (Liverpool/Maynooth)--Singing of kings and battles: Vergil as?panegyrist in late antiquity

Friday 15 February: Phillip Horky (Durham)--The place of Agathon in Plato's Symposium

Friday 22 February: Jakob Wisse (Newcastle)--History, tyranny, and memory: Tacitus on the death?of Cremutius Cordus (Annals 4.34-35)

Wednesday 27 February: Oriol Olesti Vila (Barcelona)--The land surveyors experiences in Roman?Spain

Friday 1 March: Jonathan Prag (Oxford)--Inscribed rostra from the First Punic War and the?quaestorship in the third century BC

Friday 8 March: Benet Salway (UCL)--Divide and rule (or ?437 and all that!?): boundaries and?jurisdictions in late antiquity

Friday 15 March: Will Wootton (KCL): The art of making in antiquity: presenting and interpreting?Roman stone carving techniques

Friday 5 April: Andrew Laird (Warwick)--Aztecs on Olympus: classical learning and native traditions?in post-conquest Mexico

Friday 12 April: David Pritchard (University of Queensland)--Sport, democracy and war in classical?Athens

Friday 19 April: Lyndsay Coo (Cambridge)--Sophocles' Eurypylus

Wednesday 24 April: Nicholas Purcell (Oxford)--The strangeness of buying and selling in antiquity

Friday 26 April: A one-day workshop on ?Landscapes of pleasure? including a?paper by Nicholas Purcell on Roman Baiae: full programme to follow.

Papers are followed by discussion. All are welcome. All seminars take place on Fridays (unless?otherwise specified), starting at 4.05 p.m., in Swallowgate 11.

Enquiries should be directed to: Jason K?nig, School of Classics, University of St Andrews, St?Andrews KY16 9AL. Tel.: 01334-462600. E-mail:?jpk3@st-andrews.ac.uk